Cambridge IELTS 8 Test 1, Reading Passage 3 | Telepathy (2024)


This passage is about telepathy. There are two types of questions: Matching Sentence Endings (27-30) and Table Completion (31-40).



Hello, everyone welcome to the chemist, eight test one passage, three with a walkthrough.

And today, looking at a passage called telepathy and that's, a very popular topic in a philosophical discussion and scientific discussion that gets thrown at, you know, the conversations.

And you know, I think that most people engage in different kinds of settings.

So that's, an interesting, um, you know, topic to be looking at in my opinion, can human beings communicate by thought alone.

Can we do that? Um and for more than a century.

The issue of telepathy has divided the scientific community.

Even today it still sparks.

Bitter con controversy controversy controversies.

I guess how you say it among top academics, okay.

So it's going to be that communicating by thought alone, not like the way I am doing it like using, you know, words, right and sound but thoughts all right.

So I see that there are one matching sentence ending and then table completion.

Okay, there are two sets of questions, which makes the task.

A lot easier all right.

So both of them, I know that like not both of them, but you know matching sentence ending questions that you know, but these are usually noted, but they can be exceptions.

So what I'm going to do I'm going to first of all researchers with different ad, differing attitudes towards telepathy agree on what do they agree on.

So they need to agree on something for for me to choose an answer, okay and reporters.

And from test point of view, guys, you need to remember that these, you know, beginnings in order so reports of experience during meditation indicated, uh reports of experience during meditation attitudes to para para.

Psychology would alter drastically with something and recent are on arms.

And something trials a girl recent.

I don't know how you read this honestly written out gansfield trial suggests that success rates will improve with something all right so I'm, not going to read the endings guys why? Because I find the relevant part of the text and then all right just a second.

So all right and so I'm going to look at the second set of questions all right, no more than three words and a name and date description, telepathic result in flaw.


In 1982, ganzfeld experiments so involved the person acting as something who picked out one something that person picked out one something the person was acting, however, like as someone from a random selection of four and and who then tried to identify it.

And the result was higher rates were high hit rates, I'm, sorry, higher.

I said, higher rates were higher hit rates were higher than random guessing.

Okay, hit rates were higher.

Positive results could be produced by factors, such as something or something.

Then in 1985, five years later, they conducted alt against full studies were used to for key tasks.

Something was used for key tasks to limit the amount of something carrying out the tests that is also then subjected to something to an investigation or whatever between different test results was put down to the fact.

The difference between the test results would put down that sample groups were not big or small or whatever so that we need adjective.

So like when I'm doing completion, questions, guys, I need to make sure that the answer I'm choosing fits in grammatically that's, really important.

And also I need to remember that in sentence completion or any kind of completion questions.

There are words that I can, you know, definitely, uh, you know, find from the text that that I can make sure that I'm dealing with the right part of the text that's really important all right.

So all right, I guess I'm going to find the first set of questions.

But anyway, I'm going to be looking at these when they start talking about 1982, all right, 1970s since 1970s, parapsychologists at leading universities and research institutes around the world have risked the division of skeptical colleagues by putting the various claims for telepathy to the test in dozens of rigorous scientific studies.

So like they might be facing duration, because they are kind of testing out something that's, not necessarily scientifically vigorous.

Let me put it that way.

The results in their implications are dividing, even the researchers who uncovered them the results are.

So you know, I guess astounding that even the scientists who discovered them are kind of now have divided opinions.

Some researchers say the results constitute compelling evidence.

They make up, you know, they, you know, constitute like form the compelling evidence that telepathy is genuine.

So some researchers other parapsychologists believe the field is on the brink of collapse, having tried to produce definitive, scientific proof in their field, but the skeptics and advocates alike do concur on one issue like that's, like when you mention x and y alike.

It means both both people who support this, um, you know, whole telecommunic telepathy idea in in those who do not support it.

They agree concurrently agree on one issue, that's, guys, 27 that we the most impressive evidence.

So far has come from so-called gansful experiments, the german term that means whole field.

Okay, the most convincing evidence for telepathy comes from gansfield.

Okay, that's, 27, um and reports of tel tell telepathic experiences had by during meditation.

Okay, that's like 28, um, agree on the discovery of mechanism.

No the need to create suitable environment know, their claims of a high the solution to a problem.

The significance, I guess that's the significance of ganzel's experiments because they all agree on one issue.

That is the impressive evidence coming from gansville.

That means impressive like they're significant.

So I would say the answer for question, okay, I'm gonna again have to remove this.

Um so that's going to be e for question.

Number 27., concur is standard for agree and and differing attitudes that skeptics and advocates alike.

And that significance, that's impressive evidence.

Now that next one is like going to be 28, because immediately followed by they're talking about telepathic experiences had by by people during meditation and led by a psychologist to suspect that telepathy might involve signals passing between people that was so fain that they were usually swamped by normal brain activity.


So there is normal brain activity that is going on in your brain right? And they are so strong that the signals that are so weak and faint, a kind of swamp.

They are like in the on.

The background in this case, such signals might be more easily detected by those experiencing meditation like tranquility and relaxing holofield lights and sound and warmth.

So they're, saying, like if that's the case, if that's like, if the brain activity is kind of swamping the signals that are so faint, why don't we detect those signals by meditation like tranquility in a very calm situation? All right? Um, 28 is going to be now let's.

Look for the answer.

The discovery mechanism, no indicated the need to create a suitable environment for telepathy.

I guess that's kind of what the it is like.

We need to create a whole field of light sound and warmth where there has to be trunk tranquil environment.

So I would say the answer for question number 28 is going to be, but let's let's, look their claims of a high success solution to the problem posed by random guessing, a more careful selection of subjects.

I need to keep altering conditions.

No to keep altering is continuously, altering the condition that's.

Not what the text is saying, though, um, okay, the ganzfeld experiment tries to recreate these conditions with participants sitting in soft.

Reclining chairs.

Reclining is like when you can recline right like this in a sealed room sealed me in closed room.

Okay, let's look at questions.

And and then I'm going to look at this question 29 when they start talking about attitudes.

But here I can see that they're starting to talk about ganzfeld, like I can say the gears as well listening to relax, listening to relaxing sounds while their eyes are covered with special filters, letting in only soft pink light.

So the filter only lets in the soft pink light, an early ganzfel experiment that help with your tests involve identification of the picture.

So the person had to that the early ones that involve identification of a picture chosen from a random selection of four taken from a larger image bank.

So there is an image bank and then person had to identify a picture from four, you know of them so involve a person acting as a do.

I know, the idea was the person acting as a sender would attempt to be in the image.

So the idea was the person acting as a sender would attempt to beam the image over to the receiver, relax, it, the sale room let's understand that part.

So like that 132 guys is going to be one picture from from selection of four right that's like what it is picture who picked out meaning picked out like the identified picture from random selection of four and who then tried to identify it.


So what would happen the person acting as a sender would attempt to beam the image? The beam? I guess like beam? The image like beam is light right to the receiver, relaxing in a sealed room to receive what receiver is trying to the receiver is trying to identify it receiver.

And there is a sender.


A sender is trying to picking one and then sending on to to the receiver.

And in the cylinder once the session was over the person who asked was us to identify, which four of the images had been used random guessing would give, uh, okay, obviously out of four.

What did happen in like 31 and 33 like the random guessing? Would you know only have 25 chance if telepathy is real? However, the hit rate would be higher in 19.

The results from the first were analyzed by one of its pioneers american psychologist charles hunter.

They pointed to typical rates better than a 30 a small effect.

But one which, uh, statistical texts suggest could not be put down to chance.

It wasn't, the chance that you know hit rate success was actually higher than random guessing, which was 25, um, the implication was that ganzfeld method had revealed real evidence for telepathy.

So that that's what the conclusion was, oh, there is evidence for telepathy.

But there was a crucial flaw in this argument.

One routinely overlooked in more conventional areas of science.

There is one aspect that gets ignored just because the chance had been ruled out as an exception did not prove telepathy as it must exist.

That's a good point just because chance if we change remove the chance out of the equation, doesn't mean, teleport exists.

There are many other ways of getting positive results.

These range from sensory leakage where clues about now they're defining what sensory leakage clues about these pictures, accidentally reach the receiver to outright front.

It could be the fraud or sensory leakage like through the filter.

I could see the picture right so 34 and 35 is going to be, um now, leakage such as sin, siri like pitch, or or like outright, fraud I'm, not going to write outright.

Just fraud makes sense just fraud all fraud in response to the researchers issued a review of all the cancelled studies.

So what about this attitudes alter drastically in response to in response? The researchers issued a review of all the gansfield studies done up to 1985 to show that 80 percent had found statistically significant evidence? However, they also agreed.

There was still too many problems in the experiments, which could lead to positive results.

And they draw through up a list demanding new standards for future research.

After this, many researchers start switch to auto against fault.

Studies tests, okay, that's.

Now, the second set of questions guys, an automated variant of the technique, which used computers to perform many of the key tasks, such as the random selection of images, right, that's like ultimate variant of the technique by minimizing human involvement used for key tasks to limit the amount of something by meaning other than human involved.

The idea was to minimize the risk of flawed results.

United results from hundreds of test work studied by in a meta-analysis statistical finding overall results from the set of studies that though less compelling than before the outcome was still impressive.


So now we need to after many research switched an automated variant of the technique used computers, which use computers to perform many of the key tasks, such as the random selection of images.

So this time the computers were used computers were used that's 36, right to use for key tasks to limit them out of and what they did by minimizing that they minimized human involvement.

So that was the you know, the idea behind using computers, 30 sx is going to be and 37 is going to be human involvement, minimize ascendant for limit the amount of human interval.

And then like the results from hundreds of uh tests were studied in a meta-analysis that's like then results were then subjected to a meta analysis.

That's going to be 38 meter.

Okay, I'm.

Sorry, meta analysis.

If you subject something to something, it means guys you, uh, you make it experience that, um between different as well as put down the or not the very less compelling.

The outcome was still yet.

Some par remain disturbed yet some parapsychologists remain, uh disturbed by the lack of consistency.

Okay, the between and individual again.

So there was, however inconsistency and defenders have tell point out the demanding impressive evidence from every ignores one basic statistical value.

It takes large sample to detect small.

Okay that guys this one is going to be 39 is going to be 39 is going to be like consistency, the lack of consistency, the consistency between the consistency, the lack of consistency.

Okay, I guess it makes sense right? The lack of consistency, a lack of consistency.

I guess that's like consistency between the lack of consistency between different test results was put down to the fact, the defenders like they are now defenders are putting it down to the fact that pointing out like that's, one basic statistical fact, it takes large samples to detect small.

You know, that's going to be 40 and 40 is going to be like no were not large.

They were not large because to to detect small effects to find small effects.

You need large groups.

And it wasn't the case was with with with uh alt against full studies.

If as current results suggest telepathy produce hit rates only marginally above it's, unlikely to detect the bite typical ganzfeld's involving around 40 people.

The group is not just big enough.

Okay, it could be large it will it could be big either one? I guess works.

So now one only one many studies are combining method with the faint signal of telepathy that's.

What the researchers became and that's, what the researchers seem to be finding, um, what they are currently not finding.

However, is the any change in attitude of mainstream scientists, most totally reject the very idea of telepathy.

The problem stems at least in part from the lack of any plausible mechanism.

There is no mechanism.

So in their saying like now, they're, putting it the other way around the there is not much but change of attitude.

And people are outright rejecting the idea of telepathy because there's not good believable mechanism for telepathy.

If there was one, they would believe they discovered mechanism for telepathy.


So I would say that that's it for question.

Number, uh, for question.

Number okay, a is going to be 29 is going to be 29 is going to be and attitudes will change very theories have been put forward.

Many focusing on esoteric.


Guys means only experts understand it ideas from theoretical physics.

They include quantum entanglement in which even events affecting one group of atoms instantly affect another group.

No matter how far they far apart.

They might be, um.

So while physicists have demonstrated entanglement with specifically prepared atoms.

No one knows if it also exists between atoms and making up human minds answer such such questions, would transform spiral psychology.

This has prompted some reason same researchers.

Some researchers argue that the future lies not in collecting more evidence, but in probing possible mechanisms.


So the we should not be collecting more evidence instead, testing possible mechanisms.

Some work has already began with researchers trying to identify people who are particularly successful in.

You know.

So the work has already began actually turns out and earlier results show that creative and artistic people do better than the average in one study musicians achieved a higher rates hit 56 percent.

So if you character collect yours, you know, subjects, meaning people who are participating in the in the in the experiment like meaning, like more careful selection, the the selection of subjects guys people who are participating in the in the um experiment or study.

And if you are choosing creative and artistic people, their results are better, and at least that's, what the case with the university of edinburgh study that guys concludes our video walkthrough for cambridge, a test one passage three later on.

Cambridge IELTS 8 Test 1, Reading Passage 3 | Telepathy (2024)


How to deal with IELTS reading passage 3? ›

Tips to manage time
  1. Skim through the passage. Your Reading test will have 3 different reading passages. ...
  2. Pay attention to the introduction and conclusion. ...
  3. Identify key words. ...
  4. Read all questions before you begin answering. ...
  5. Answer every question. ...
  6. Check your answers.

How to score 8 in IELTS reading? ›

In order to get an 8 band score in listening and reading you need to get 89% of the marks. Since IELTS reading and listening have 40 questions each, in order to get band 8 you have to at least answer 36 questions of each.

How can I improve my IELTS reading section 3? ›

IELTS Reading Tips
  1. Don't expect to understand every word. ...
  2. Practice your reading skills, NOT your IELTS skills. ...
  3. Read the instructions VERY carefully. ...
  4. Don't panic. ...
  5. It's really a vocabulary test. ...
  6. Timing is crucial. ...
  7. Ignore anything you already know about the topic. ...
  8. Practice slow and fast.
Mar 20, 2015

What is the fastest way to get answers in IELTS reading? ›

Following are some important points that you need to keep in mind in order to find the answers quickly:
  1. Pay attention to the order of questions - ...
  2. Match questions with order of the text - ...
  3. Spend not more than 1 minute on every question - ...
  4. Matching heading questions are placed before the passage -

Which passage is most difficult in IELTS reading? ›

'True, False, Not Given' questions require you to identify if the information in a text is true or not. You will be given a number of factual statements and have to check in the text whether they are true. This is probably the most difficult question in the reading paper.

Can I retake IELTS reading only? ›

You can now retake any one part of the test; Listening, Reading, Writing or Speaking without redoing all four parts.

Is IELTS 8.0 easy? ›

Very few IELTS candidates score an overall 8.0 in the IELTS test. It means that in both IELTS listening and IELTS reading you score at least 36 correct answers out of 40 and in speaking and writing your English is practically error-free.

Is IELTS 8 difficult? ›

Band 8– If you get a Band 8, IELTS considers you a 'very good' user of English. You may make a few mistakes when talking or writing about very unfamiliar situations, but overall, you have a very good grasp of the language. My best students normally reach this level.

How to score 8 in IELTS in 1 week? ›

IELTS Preparation in a Week
  1. Day 1: Get myself familiarised with the test.
  2. Day 2: Focus on the Reading section.
  3. Day 3: Focus on the Listening section.
  4. Day 4: Focus on the Writing section.
  5. Day 5: Focus on the Speaking section.
  6. Day 6: Trying out a practice test.
May 28, 2023

Which is the most difficult section in IELTS? ›

Conclusion. As writing is the hardest part of the IELTS exam, Gurully assures you to provide the best IELTS practice platform for the upcoming exam. In addition, some of our experts recommended writing tips to organize your essay, understand the task properly, proofread your answer, and focus on the English language.

Why is IELTS Reading difficult for me? ›

You might be wondering, “is IELTS reading difficult?” The test's difficulty varies for everyone, but the biggest challenge of the IELTS Reading section comes from having to understand a large amount of text and answer questions about what you read in a short amount of time.

Which part of IELTS reading is easiest? ›

In the reading test, there are 3 passages, and we will start with Passage 1, as it's the easiest. If the passage has a title, read it; if not, move to the next step.

Who checks IELTS reading answers? ›

The Speaking test will still be conducted by a certified IELTS examiner. Is the test marked by a computer or by a person? The IELTS Reading and Listening sections are marked automatically by the computer, while the Writing and Speaking sections continue to be graded by trained Examiners.

How can I improve my IELTS reading in 2 days? ›

On this page
  1. Start reading in groups of 3 - 5 words or chunking.
  2. Do not reread the words.
  3. Skim during your first reading then scan when answering questions.
  4. Start improving your vocabulary to speed up comprehension.
  5. Get familiar and read a variety of text similar to the tests.
  6. Take practice tests and start timing yourself.

How to complete IELTS reading in 1 hour? ›

Tips to prepare for the IELTS Reading test:
  1. Learn about the test format. ...
  2. Learn about different question types. ...
  3. Implement skimming and scanning technique. ...
  4. Use context clues. ...
  5. Distribute your time appropriately. ...
  6. Build your vocabulary. ...
  7. Transfer your answers concurrently. ...
  8. Read and practise more often.
Dec 20, 2021

What is the lowest score in IELTS reading? ›

The IELTS reading band score is graded from 1-9 scale in increments of 0.5 with band 9 being the highest grade and band 1 being the lowest score.

Which Cambridge book is best for IELTS? ›

The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS

A starter's guide for IELTS preparation, the Official Cambridge Guide for IELTS is our first choice. The publisher of this book is Cambridge University Press, and they're also the official creator of IELTS.

What happens if I fail reading IELTS? ›

It's not uncommon for some people to fail part of or all of their IELTS exam the first time they take it. Fortunately, the exam can be retaken as many times as you need to obtain a passing score. However, you do have to pay each time you take the exam.

Can I clear IELTS in second attempt? ›

If you didn't get the IELTS score you wanted, you can apply to resit the test as soon as you feel ready. However, before applying for a resit you need to keep in mind that your score is unlikely to improve without a significant effort to improve your English.

What are the new rules for IELTS exam 2023? ›

It means that now they don't have to appear for all the four modules of the IELTS exam. The update will be effective from March 2023 next year. Any Indian students of MBBS in abroad who will appear in any module with low IELTS score March 2023 onwards can take advantage of this provision.

Why is it difficult to score Band 8 in IELTS? ›

How to score band 8 in IELTS listening. For the listening test, then, you must score either 35 or 36 out of 40 in order to achieve a band 8. Again, it is a difficult task because there you cannot make many mistakes. Try to practise your listening skills every day in different ways.

Is IELTS 8 fluent? ›

A: You are considered fluent when you reach a CEFR C2. To be considered C2 without any ambiguity, you need a minimum band score of 8.5 at your IELTS test. An 8 band can be interpreted as borderline, and some universities can consider that either C1 or C2.

Is IELTS band 8 fluent? ›

Your IELTS band scores decide your level of competence in the English language. It tells how much you understand English Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. So, if you have scored 7 or more then you are marked as a good user. If you scored 8 then you are a very good user.

How long does it take to get IELTS 8? ›

Moving from a 7 to an 8 is usually more about speaking or writing like a native speaker. You always have to understand what the examiner is looking for. To move from a 6 to an 8 you should take 3 months to prepare at the minimum.

Has anyone got 9 in IELTS? ›

Yes, getting an IELTS band score of 9 in the actual exam is very much possible. This is possible if you have met the expectations of the IELTS examiner and showcased the qualities of a competent user of the English language.

How long does it take to prepare for IELTS 8 band? ›

We recommend that students spend at least 6-8 weeks preparing for the IELTS exam, focusing on basic grammar, reading speed, test strategies and writing skills.

How rare is 8 in IELTS? ›

It's 100% guaranteed. Be wise about how you spend your time studying for IELTS, and be willing to invest in your future. Don't just take the test multiple times and hope your score improves. For those taking General Training to immigrate, 18% got 6, 16% got 7, and 7.5% got 8.

Is 2 weeks enough to study for IELTS? ›

For acquiring a good band score in IELTS, duration of 1-2 months is ideal. Allotting at least-2 hours of practice a day is crucial for overall performance. With the right plan and focused preparation, you can improve your performance. Make yourself a realist 2 weeks IELTS study plan with plenty of breaks.

Can I clear IELTS in 5 days? ›

"We recommend that students spend a minimum of 6-8 weeks or 30 days preparing for the IELTS exam, focusing on grammar, reading, writing, listening & speaking. We also recommend test takers to spend about 3 to 4 hours every day improving their speed, test strategies and skills. "

Which month is easy for IELTS exam? ›

Which is the best month for IELTS? The examination board adds the speaking topics are generally during January, September, and May. Therefore, the best time to take this exam would be before the questions change, meaning in the months of August, April, and December.

How many students fail IELTS? ›

by jims varkey | Medium. Why 70% of people fail to clear IELTS writing and how to succeed in it.

Which IELTS test is the easiest? ›

IELTS Academic or IELTS General. Generally IELTS is the easiest exam than any other. The questions are designed to examine how well you can use your english. There is no pass or fail in IELTS.

What is the most common spelling mistake in IELTS Listening? ›

Quick Tip: The words 'government' and 'different' are two of the most commonly misspelled words in the IELTS test.

What is the best method for IELTS reading? ›

Tips to get through the test within the time limit
  • Read the questions before you read the text.
  • Skim through the passage.
  • Pay attention to the introduction and conclusion.
  • Identify key words.
  • Answer every question.
  • Check your answers.
  • Practice makes perfect!

Can I write T for true in IELTS? ›

You can write T instead of True on your answer sheet but make sure your handwriting is clear. The answers follow the order of information in the passage for these questions. Other types of reading questions might not have answers that come in order.

Should I read the passage first in IELTS reading? ›

You should skim read the full passage in 2 to 3 minutes – not longer. At the same time, you should underline any key words you see. The only types of questions which comes before the passage is matching headings, for those, you don't need to read the passage first.

How can I complete IELTS reading in less than an hour? ›

Managing your time in the test is essential in the IELTS Reading section, as you only get 60 minutes to complete the above-listed tasks.
  1. Learn about the test format.
  2. Learn about the test format. ...
  3. Learn about different question types.
  4. Learn about different question types. ...
  5. Implement skimming and scanning technique.

Is Cambridge harder than IELTS? ›

A pass grade in CAE would be the equivalent of about 7.0 in IELTS. IELTS isn't easier - just different. Getting into a British university with an IELTS or CAE certificate is going to need the same high level of English. CAE is less academic than IELTS - the topics are broader, the writing tasks more varied.

Is IELTS easier on computer or paper? ›

As the questions and content for both the computer-based and paper-based formats are the same, the difficulty level also remains unchanged.

Which is the most easiest module in IELTS? ›

Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking test is often referred to as the 'easiest' part. The reason for this, is the fact that the topics in part 1 are very familiar to you. You are asked questions about yourself, what you do and where you come from.

What is 30 out of 40 in IELTS Reading? ›

Academic Reading:

Band score 7 = 30 out of a raw score of 40.

Can you ask the examiner to repeat the question in IELTS? ›

You can ask the examiner to repeat the question in IELTS speaking part 1 (Could you repeat that, please?) but that's all. You can't ask other questions. The examiner is limited to asking questions only in speaking part 1 and can't help you or explain.

Do they repeat IELTS Reading questions? ›

In the Reading and Listening sections, no. The questions will be completely different from the ones you've practiced in the prep materials. However, you may receive a question you've practiced in the speaking section of the test.

How can I get band 8 in IELTS Reading? ›

In order to get an 8 band score in listening and reading you need to get 89% of the marks. Since IELTS reading and listening have 40 questions each, in order to get band 8 you have to at least answer 36 questions of each.

Can I clear IELTS in one week? ›

How much time is required to prepare for the IELTS speaking section? The preparation time of one to two weeks for this section is adequate for most people. Taking mock tests for IELTS is a great way to prepare. The sooner you get started, the better your results will be!

How can I improve my Reading passage in IELTS? ›

On this page
  1. Start reading in groups of 3 - 5 words or chunking.
  2. Do not reread the words.
  3. Skim during your first reading then scan when answering questions.
  4. Start improving your vocabulary to speed up comprehension.
  5. Get familiar and read a variety of text similar to the tests.
  6. Take practice tests and start timing yourself.

How to skim a passage for IELTS Reading? ›

Reading the introduction and conclusion of a reading passage is one skimming technique when doing questions like a title match. This will allow you to get the main idea of the reading passage. In order to get the general overview of the reading passage, read the first and last paragraph.

Should you read the whole passage in IELTS? ›

You should skim read the full passage in 2 to 3 minutes – not longer. At the same time, you should underline any key words you see. The only types of questions which comes before the passage is matching headings, for those, you don't need to read the passage first.

How can I improve my IELTS reading in 10 days? ›

How to prepare for IELTS in 10 days (Study Plan)
  1. Get to know the test.
  2. Focus on the Listening Test.
  3. Focus on the Reading Test.
  4. Focus on the Speaking Test.
  5. Focus on the Writing Task 1.
  6. Focus on the Writing Task 2.
  7. Do a mock Listening Test.
  8. Do a mock Reading Test.
Feb 17, 2023

How many answers should be correct in IELTS reading? ›

Listening and Reading Sections Criteria

The number of correct answers (out of a total of 40 questions) is translated into a score out of 9 (for example, between 10 and 13 correct answers gives you a score of 4/0, while between 39 and 40 correct answers gives you a score of 9/9).

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