11th Grade Reading Passages & ELA Practice Tests | Informational Text Edition (2024)

HIGH-INTEREST 1-page reading comprehension passages 11th grade students enjoy paired with practice tests in both easy-print AND digital self-grading versions. ONE TEXT & ELA PRACTICE TEST FOR EVERY SINGLE 11th GRADE READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT STANDARD (ALL 10) PLUS ones aligned to Language, Speaking/Listening/Viewing, and Writing standards.


Gets students reading, writing, identifying nuances in language, listening and viewing, exploring both historical and scientific primary sources, interpreting charts and diagrams, analyzing seminal U.S. documents, writing analysis that synthesizes several texts that the student can cite, learning some cool wise old sayings, and more.


Includes easy-print version (most are one page front-to-back) for easy in-person learning as well as SELF-GRADING, online assessments perfect for easy, interchangeable distance learning. MAJOR TIME SAVER!


Perfect for year-round skill practice, or for crunch-time before spring testing, these tests are short (about 20-30 minutes) and give students the chance to practice skills aligned to ALL 10 ELEVENTH GRADE Reading Informational Text Standards. SPECIFIC TO 11TH GRADE LITERACY EXPECTATIONS.


Similar to SBAC, PARCC, MAP, STAAR, CAASP, etc. - aligned to the College and Career Ready Standards. (ALL TEST ITEMS ARE TEXT-EVIDENCE BASED ). Multiple choice, multiple select, evidence-based response, short answer, long answer, essay, charts, etc. JUST LIKE THE REAL STANDARDIZED TESTS


Each test is centered around 1 standard, so by the time they do all of them, they will have practiced ALL 10 informational text skills! Not to mention many others!


Did you know that at least, often much more than, 50% of ELA tests focus on informational text passages? And the writing portions usually ask students to read several texts on the same topic and then have them cite textual evidence from the sources. This is EXACTLY what I have them practice doing in this resource!

Check out what you'll get (& be sure to check out the preview):


*Note: The CCSS Standards that the tasks are aligned to are the widely accepted College and Career Ready Standards, adopted by over 40 states, numerous territories, and practiced worldwide. Even if your state or region has not adopted these standards, just take a look at each task below to see which essential skills students will be practicing, and then you can use the workbook to meet any ELA standards accordingly. Thank you.

Text #1A: "You are Brilliant and the Earth is Hiring" by Paul Hawken (Excerpts)

Target 1A: Cite Strong and Thorough Text Evidence

Aligned to: RI.11-12.1

Text #2: FDR's Inaugural Address (Excerpt)

Target 2: Analyze Development of Two or More Central Ideas

Aligned to: RI.11-12.2

Text #3: President George W. Bush's Address to the Nation on 9/11

Target 3: Analyze a Complex Sequence of Ideas or Events & Explain Interactions

Aligned to: RI.9-10.3

Text #4A: Wise Old Sayings About Horses

Target 4A: Determine Word Meanings and Impact

Aligned to: RI.11-12.4

Text #4B: Bacteria vs. Viruses

Target 4B: Determine Word Meanings in Scientific/Technical Text

Aligned to: RST.11-12.4

Text #5: "As a Man Thinketh" by James Allen (Excerpt)

Target 5: Compare and Contrast Text Structures

Aligned to: RI.11-12.5

Text #6: JFK's Inaugural Address (Excerpt)

Target 6: Analyze How Rhetoric, Content, & Style Contribute to Persuasive Power

Aligned to: RI.11-12.6

Text #7A: Perspectives on Honest Abe

Target 7A: Integrate Multiple Sources of Information in Multiple Formats & Media

Aligned to: RI.11-12.7

Text #7B: Abraham Lincoln's Rhetoric and Legacy

Target 7B: Integrate Multiple Sources of Information in Multiple Formats & Media

Aligned to: SL.11-12.2

Text #8: From Brown V. Board Supreme Court Opinion

Target 8: Evaluate Argument, Claims, and Reasoning in Seminal U.S. Texts

Aligned to: RI.11-12.8

Text #9: President Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Target 9: Analyze Seminal U.S. Documents of Historic & Literary Significance

Aligned to: RI.11-12.9

Text #10: President Obama's Dedication at the Lincoln Library

Target 10: Comprehend Literary Nonfiction

Aligned to: RI.11-12.10

Text #11: The Art of Public Speaking by Dale Carnegie and Bert Esenwein (Excerpts)

Target 11: Demonstrate Understanding of Figurative Language & Nuances in Meaning

Aligned to: L.11-12.5

Target 12: Synthesize information by writing on the topic of Rhetoric & Persuasive Public Speaking. Four writing prompts get students to write: an argument, an explanatory text, a narrative, and a persuasive speech.

Aligned to: W.11-12.1, W.11-12.2, W.11-12.3, W.11-12.8, W.11-12.9



QUICK & TO THE POINT: Reading one passage and doing one task will take the average student approximately 20-30 minutes depending on which one it is.



USE PASSAGES FOR MULTIPLE PURPOSES IF YOU WANT!! (Such as: write a summary, base research/argument on one, vocabulary study, etc.)




High-Interest Informational Text Passages paired with COMPREHENSION TASKS or PRACTICE TESTS. Aligned to EVERY SINGLE GRADE-SPECIFIC READING INFORMATIONAL TEXT STANDARD (AND MORE). You won't find these anywhere else! Save yourself hours of internet searches trying to find the right texts for the right goals of the right lengths in the right formats at the right levels. Students keep reporting how much THEY LOVE the passages because they are interesting and relevant to them! GET YOURS NOW!

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Note About the Practice Tests: The test items contain a variety of question types similar to SBAC, PARCC, STAAR, MAP, CAASP, and all of the state standardized ELA assessment programs. The tests align to even more standards: Writing, Language, Speaking & Listening, Literacy in Science and History, etc. Items align specifically to the grade level, not just generally.


Test Prep Workbooks Prepare Students For:

Alabama ARMT, Alaska SBA, Arizona NAEP, AzM2, AASA Arkansas AABE, California CAASP, STAR & SBAC, Colorado CMAS & CSAP, Connecticut CMT & CAPT, Delaware DCAS & DSTP, Washington, DC PARCC, Florida FSA & FCAT, Georgia CRCT, Hawaii HSA, Idaho ISAT, Illinois ISAT, Indiana ISTEP+, Iowa ITBS & ITED, Kansas KRA, Kentucky CATS & KCCT, Louisiana LEAP & ILEAP, Maine NECAP & MEA, Maryland MSA, Massachusetts MCAS, Michigan MEAP, Minnesota MCA II, Mississippi MCT & MFLE, Missouri MAP, Montana MontCAS, Nebraska NeSA, Nevada NPEP, New Hampshire NECAP, New Jersey PARCC, New Mexico NMSBA, New York Regents NYSE & NYSTP, North Carolina EOG, North Dakota CAT & NDSA, Ohio OAT & OST, Oklahoma OCCT, Oregon OAKS, Pennsylvania PSSA, Rhode Island RICAS & NECAP, South Carolina PASS, South Dakota DSTEP, Tennessee TCAP, Texas STAAR & TAKS, UTAH SAGE & UPASS, Vermont SBAC & NECAP, Virginia SOL, Washington WCAP & WASL, West Virginia WESTEST, Wisconsin WKCE, Wyoming PAWS

11th Grade Reading Passages & ELA Practice Tests | Informational Text Edition (2024)


How can I get good at reading comp tests? ›

Quick Tips for Answering Reading Comprehension
  1. Read the passage carefully and thoroughly, paying attention to details and main ideas.
  2. Make sure you really understand the question. ...
  3. Use the information in the passage to infer and make logical connections.
  4. Eliminate any answer choices that are clearly incorrect.
Jan 3, 2007

How to pass reading comprehension? ›

7 strategies to improve your reading comprehension skills
  1. Improve your vocabulary. ...
  2. Come up with questions about the text you are reading. ...
  3. Use context clues. ...
  4. Look for the main idea. ...
  5. Write a summary of what you read. ...
  6. Break up the reading into smaller sections. ...
  7. Pace yourself. ...
  8. Eliminate distractions.
Mar 10, 2023

How do you test reading skills? ›

About The Reading Test
  1. Read the text, then try to answer the questions.
  2. There are 20 questions, and you see one at a time in a random order. The answers are not in the same order as the text.
  3. Some questions are easier; some are more difficult. ...
  4. Try not to use a dictionary – the idea is to find your natural level.

What is a comprehension test? ›

A comprehension test is a foundation-level verbal reasoning test aimed at assessing your English language and comprehension skills. These tests vary in content and style but all evaluate your comprehension of a passage of information, plus your ability to analyse a number of answers and choose the most suitable one.

How to get 100 on a reading comp? ›

How to Pass a Reading Comprehension Test
  1. Focus on the Questions. It may seem counterintuitive, but you should be reading the questions before the passages they relate to during reading comprehension tests. ...
  2. Use the Passage. ...
  3. Work with the Answers. ...
  4. Learning and Practicing Reading Comprehension Strategies.

How do I ace my ELA test? ›

Read the passage with the questions in mind.
  1. Reread the first question carefully.
  2. Scan the passage to look for key words related to the question. When you find a key word, slow down and read carefully.
  3. Answer the question.
  4. Repeat this process to answer the rest of the questions.

Why is my reading comprehension so weak? ›

Some major causes of poor reading comprehension include ADHD, dyslexia, difficult text, limited vocabulary, working memory deficit, and more. You may also have trouble comprehending what you're reading if you are disinterested or bored.

What causes poor reading comprehension? ›

Here are some of the causes of reading comprehension difficulties:
  • Oral Language Deficit: ...
  • Decoding Difficulties: ...
  • Working Memory Overload: ...
  • Executive Functioning Disorder (EFD): ...
  • Disinterest or Boredom: ...
  • Visual Processing Disorder: ...
  • Aphasia and Dysphasia:

How long does it take to read 100 pages? ›

How long should it take to read 100 pages? Depending on your reading speed, it should take you between two and three hours to go through 100 pages. It takes an average reader approximately 2.8 hours to read 100 pages.

How do I prepare for an English comprehension test? ›

How to Prepare for a Reading Comprehension Test
  1. Taking Practice Tests.
  2. Understanding What You Read.
  3. Answering Multiple Choice Questions.
  4. Writing Short Essay Answers.

What does a reading comprehension test look like? ›

Reading comprehension tests typically consist of a passage of text followed by a series of questions related to the content of the passage. You should not use any outside knowledge of the subject matter, only base your answers on what is written in the passage.

What are the 6 types of comprehension questions? ›

These are mostly asked in the following forms:
  • Main Idea Question: This relates to the central idea/theme of the passage. ...
  • Primary Purpose Question: ...
  • Title Question: ...
  • Structure & Organization. ...
  • Fact-based/Specific Detail/Target Question: ...
  • Inference Question: ...
  • 'Must be true' Question: ...
  • Paraphrase Question:

Why is my reading comprehension so bad? ›

Some major causes of poor reading ability are difficult text, ADHD, dyslexia, limited vocabulary, working memory deficit, and more. People may also have trouble with comprehension due to boredom or disinterest in what they are reading.

What are the 7 reading comprehension strategies? ›

To improve students' reading comprehension, teachers should introduce the seven cognitive strategies of effective readers: activating, inferring, monitoring-clarifying, questioning, searching-selecting, summarizing, and visualizing-organizing.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.